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Act Wise & Work Smart

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Office Etiquette (Office Manners)

Office Etiquette includes the following......

1.Employer Etiquette
2. Employee Etiquette
3.(a) E-mail Etiquette
(b) Telephone Etiquette
(c) Cell Phone Etiquette

Office Etiquette or Office Manners is about conducting yourself respectfully and courteously in the office or workplace.
First impressions are important! You are the ambassador/s of the business.

Always act with honesty and dignity

Chewing gum and popping bubble gum in the presence of co-workers is neither cool nor dignified

Never do it whilst attending customers

Wear appropriate office attire, for example correct footwear, not thongs (flip flops) - they are strictly casual or beachwear

No exposed midriff to display tattoos and body piercing.

Be neat, clean and as conservative as the business requires you to be

We are put off by smelly people. So, be sure to shower regularly and use a suitable deodorant

Do not cough or sneeze in anyone's direction. Use a tissue, if possible, to contain the germs and then say "Excuse me"

The essence of good manners and etiquette is to be respectful and courteous at all times and with everybody

Therefore, treat your co-workers, cleaners, maintenance people and others with respect and courtesy

Good office etiquette is easily achieved by using common courtesy as a matter of course

Keep your interruptions of others to a minimum and always apologize if your intrusion is an interruption of a discussion, someone’s concentration or other activity

Show respect for each others workspace. Knock before entering

Show appreciation for the slightest courtesies extended to you

Be helpful and co-operative with each other

Brush up on your computer skills so that you can help others

Aim to improve your other workplace skills and attributes too

You will find help from some of the sponsors listed at the top or right side of this page. Check them out as well

Speak clearly without shouting. Loud people are a vexation

Say, “Please; Thank you; You’re welcome”, as part of your everyday courtesy

Be discreet and compassionate in your criticism of a co-worker

Don’t gossip about any co-worker’s private life

Do not try to sell things to your colleagues

Don’t hover around while waiting for a co-worker to get off the phone. Leave a note for them to call you or return later

It’s not a good idea to take your iPod to your office. It hinders communication

Avoid sexist comments about a co-worker’s dress or appearance

Surveys show that the office know-it-all proved to be the biggest gripe amongst co-workers. Don't be a know-all

Take responsibility for your mistakes, apologise and go about correcting the mistakes

Apologise if you are clearly in the wrong. If in doubt, apologise anyway. It’s no big deal

Never blame someone else if it is your mistake

If your boss criticizes your work, inquire about what precisely is wrong with it. Consider the comments, discuss them amiably if you disagree with the comments but defer to the bosses opinion if he/she is adamant.

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