We are going to let you in on a little secret - a secret that some people were seemingly born with while others only discovered in their latter years.
That secret reveals the true meaning behind confidence building and once you understand it, you just may begin to understand the behavior of those you encounter on a daily basis.
What is Confidence Building?
Understand that confidence building is nothing more than gaining the inner strength to do something - and then feeling comfortable about using that strength.
It's really just the act of making a decision, and then acting on that decision. Sounds pretty simple, but for some - perhaps even you - acting on a decision could be perceived as difficult or impossible as singing naked in front of our government's congress.
Believe me when I say there are some people who would do such a thing - and do it with no qualms whatsoever! But what is it about those people that allow them to do so?
Straight and simple, they have developed and used their confidence building skills.
The ability to feel confidence and act confidently in different situations is a skill that you can learn. It's also a skill that you can improve and eventually master with enough practice.
Confidence Building Practice
Let's say that you've worked at the same job for five years without a promotion even though you have the skills (and have proven it over and over) to move to a higher position.
In the past, you might have doubted yourself and refused to aggressively pursue a promotion because of a lack of confidence. You may have timidly mentioned something to your boss before, but quickly backed out when you noticed his initial reaction.
There are two powerful techniques you can use to develop and build your confidence for this and any other situation:
- Mind Sculpting - A powerful form of visualization used by top professional athletes that allows you to practice how to act with more confidence before you face a difficult situation.
- Anchoring - A technique that helps you establish a psychological link between an "anchor" (like a hand gesture) and a state of total confidence. You can use this anchor to feel more confident in any situation... in as little as five seconds.
7 Confidence building technique:

Confidence building techniques are a great way to help a person improve her self esteem, see her worth and project a more positive version of herself when out in public. Most people are not born with confidence. Instead, this is learned over time. The following are seven tips to help you improve your confidence.
- One way to build your confidence is to celebrate when good things happen to you. If you receive a promotion, go out with friends, and if you earn a great grade on a paper, treat yourself to new clothing, a massage, or video game.
- Next, you should remind yourself of your strengths. This way, even when you are feeling down, you can lift yourself back up by knowing that you are good at things and have worth in this world.
- Practice things that make you nervous. If you know you have issues speaking in front of groups, read up on public speaking and consider taking a class on it.
- Talk to friends when you are feeling insecure. The people in your life are there for a reason: they care about you. When worried about a test, a job interview, or life in general, call or email the people in your life.
- Act on things rather than worrying about the future or dwelling on past mistakes. One of the best ways to speed past anxiety is to stay busy and to turn negatives into positives. Thus, if you feel embarrassed because you spilled water on your work computer, don't go straight home. Instead, make plans to go see your friends, go see a movie by yourself or head to the library to read.
- Humor really is the best medicine for building confidence. The best way to build confidence is to learn to use humor to get through even the most awkward of situations. If you can get people to laugh with you rather than at you, it is bound to do wonders for your self esteem.
- Lastly, it pays to plan ahead, If you know what to expect from a situation, it can make you feel more confident. Thus, if you are heading into an interview, read up on the company's history, mission statement and staff. Doing this will make you feel prepared, and this in turn will build your confidence.
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